Audience Analysis Helps BBBSA Secure Big Partnerships with the NFL and Nordstrom Rack​

“The proven fact that our people aligned with their existing audience, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America could help them deepen their relationship with that audience, was a critical factor in securing significant partnerships with [NFL and Nordstrom Rack] within months of receiving our Accelerist audience analysis.”

Adam Vasallo​ | Chief Development Officer

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With Accelerist, you can…

The Challenge

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America was rebranding and revitalizing their corporate partnership program. They needed to understand their audience better to make this revamped program a success. ​

The Action

With Accelerist’s audience analysis, BBBSA captured highly detailed information about their audience beyond just demographic data. This analysis helped them to better understand their donors’ brand affinities and more.​

The Results

As a result, BBBSA was able to secure major partnerships with the NFL and Nordstrom Rack by leveraging the data of their overlapping audiences in their pitch decks to both brands.​

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