Children’s Miracle Network Accelerates the Status Quo

“Our 90+ corporate partners are asking us to measure our campaigns and be able to report back to them as a form of stewardship. Through Accelerist, we measure social influences, how many people are talking about the campaign, and other meaningful data points. Our partners love it.”

Clark Sweat | Chief Revenue Officer

  • Learn more about Accelerist today.

What’s possible with Accelerist?

The Challenge

More than 10 million kids enter a children’s hospital across North America every year. To provide the best care for kids, children’s hospitals rely on donations and community support, as Medicaid and insurance programs do not fully cover the cost of care.

Children’s Miracle Network needed a solution to demonstrate the value of campaigns and easily:

  • Analyze and automate partner stewardship

  • Track partnership marketplace activity

  • Automate fulfillment reports and quantify ROI

The Solution

Accelerist’s ROI Module helped Children’s Miracle Network measure partnership more effectively:

  • Track marketplace reactions and conversations around partnerships via social listening tools

  • Align internally on partnership impact as well as pre-and post-campaign measurement tactics

  • Capture and categorize all partnership actions (local and national, media and mission-related)

  • Streamline reporting that infuses storytelling, executive letters, and deeper analytics

  • Communicate value beyond the status quo and define the overall partnership value for both Children’s Miracle Network and their partners

Accelerate Your Impact Today