Georgia’s Own Credit Union’s New Approach to Consumer Fundraising ​

“Increasingly, we’re looking to meet our members where they are, and this year more than ever that was in digital spaces. With our more traditional in-person fundraising avenues sidelined due to the pandemic, we were grateful to have the GiveWorx [acquired by Accelerist] platform as an option for our members to safely and easily give via online banking.​”

Marin Kraushaar​ | Executive Director, Georgia’s Own Foundation

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What’s possible with Accelerist?

The Challenge

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the trajectory of social impact partnerships for many, and Georgia’s Own Credit Union was no exception. They needed an innovative solution to adjust their traditionally in-person only fundraising strategy. ​

The Action

With GiveWorx, acquired by Accelerist in 2022, Georgia’s Own Credit Union was able to connect their members with purpose in a digital space. With our software, they were able to offer streamlined and secure donation capabilities via their online banking platform.​

The Results

Georgia’s Own raised almost $5,000, which they matched, through their first 15-day digital fundraising campaign in December of 2020. Their average donation of $33.84 was more than four times higher than the average typically seen through e-commerce.​

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