World Vision Accelerates the Status Quo

“To be able to present our total breadth, scope, and impact as succinctly and as powerfully as we can to catch the attention of that major corporate donor is a goal that we try and achieve every day. [Accelerist] has been a great help in that. ​​”

Larry Noble | National Director of Corporate Engagement

  • Learn more about Accelerist today.

What’s possible with Accelerist?

The Challenge

World Vision’s primary challenge was differentiating their organization amongst tons of great causes and programs. ​

They needed a way to streamline their prospect outreach and showcase the value that they bring to potential partnerships.​

The Solution

Accelerist’s best-in-class pitch templates were the perfect tool to succinctly convey value and opportunity to World Vision prospects. ​

These templates, part of Accelerist’s Gameplan feature, helped World Vision to secure new corporate partners faster.​

Accelerate Your Impact Today